Jawa Barat - Bekasi

Melting Point DMP-500 AELab

Harga :
Rp. 15.500.000 / unit
Pembelian Minimal :
1 unit
Pembelian Maksimal :
2 unit
Pengiriman :
3 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Jawa Barat - Bekasi
Dilihat :
12 Kali
Update Terakhir :
01-03-2019 15:49

Detail Produk

 Melting Point Apparatus

Product Description
Common Features DMP-500:

1. Sample chamber accommodates two different sample;

2. Measurement range: room temperature to 300C;

3. Temperature setting and display resolution: 0.1 C;

4. Ramping rate to fast stage setting temperature: 20 C /min;

5. The slow speed can be set as lowest as 0.1 C /min;

6. When reaching the fast stage temperature, machine will beep to remind users to continue 

the next step Users do not need to keep an eye on the operation;

7. The Read button can simultaneously hold the melting reading and heating and easily 

differentiate the melting points of the two samples;

8. Calibration capable both chemically or external probe.

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